Alexia Hasbrouck
B2C Digital Marketing Specialist
Year started at iHire: 2020
What I like best about my job: Collaborating with a team of other like-minded, growth-focused individuals to come up with creative new ideas and initatives
Hobbies: Photography, hiking, and going on adventures with my dog (Mac), trying (and failing) DIY projects I find on Pinterest, binge watching "True Crime" documentaries.
Favorite Food: Apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream
Recent Content from Alexia

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Should you follow up after an interview? Is sending a thank you email after the interview a good idea? Get the answers from iHire’s Certified Career Coach.

Ask a Career Advisor: What Should I Put for “Desired Salary” on Job Applications?
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Ask a Resume Writer: How Do I Modify My Resume for Different Positions?
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Ask a Career Advisor: Why Am I Not Hearing Back from Employers?
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