iHire Press
January 19, 2017
iHire Writer Earns National Resume Writing Certification
Erin Coursey, a Staff Writer at iHire, has been awarded national certification as a Certified Advanced Resume Writer by Career Directors International.
November 23, 2016
iHire Wins Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace Award
iHire was recognized with a top award for its breastfeeding-friendly workplace amenities.
November 02, 2016
iHire Senior Resume Writer Wins First Place in TORI Competition
Freddie Rohner, a Certified Advanced Resume Writer with iHire, won first place for his submission in CDI’s TORI Best Hospitality Resume category.
July 29, 2016
iHire Named Best Place to Work in Frederick County, MD
iHire was recognized for their unique and employee-focused workplace strategies as one of the best places to work in Frederick County, MD for 2016.
June 20, 2016
iHire Honored for Worksite Wellness Achievements
iHire received a Bronze Wellness at Work award for their outstanding achievements in workplace health promotion.
May 31, 2016
iHire Recognized for Exemplary Workplace Practices
iHire has been honored with a 2016 When Work Works Award for its use of effective workplace strategies to increase business and employee success.
May 03, 2016
iHire Honored by Alliance for Workplace Excellence (AWE)
iHire was recognized for its workplace practices and dedication to employee health and wellness for the fourth consecutive year.
April 12, 2016
HR Answerbox Partners with iHire to Provide New Recruiting Solution
HR Answerbox has partnered with iHire, an award-winning job board and employment solutions company, to expand its service offerings to employers.
March 18, 2016
iHire Wins 2016 User’s Choice Award
For the second year in a row, iHire was chosen by its users as one of the top 25 job boards on the web.